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Already a friend of the NHBF but want to become a full Member? All you need to do is login and upgrade today. If you are new to the NHBF, fill in the short form below to get started on an amazing journey where you will get unlimited help and support to run an efficient and profitable business.


Once you’ve joined us as a ‘Friend,’ all you need to do is login and request to join the NHBF as an Assured Trade Member. By doing so, you demonstrate to our Members that you have signed up to the NHBF Code of Conduct.

Assured Trade Members will need to complete and return the appropriate Due Diligence check list for Trade or Colleges/Training providers. Once this is completed, you will be able to add our logo to your website and correspondence. An Assured Digital Credit will also be provided to confirm your commitment to industry standards.

Application Terms
The NHBF maintains the right to decline any Assured Trade Membership application at its discretion, particularly where an organisation's activities compete with NHBF services or could potentially impact our reputation. All decisions regarding membership applications are final.

We look forward to welcoming you into the NHBF family!

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See our NHBF privacy notice and full terms and conditions.


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