Keep your staff and clients safe with NHBF

Keeping your staff and clients safe and complying with health & safety law will be top priorities in your salon or barbershop. 

There’s no need to worry because we’ve got everything covered, from discounted insurance and free allergy alert and sensitivity toolkits to in-depth health & safety fact sheets and discounted H&S toolkits. 

Members can ring our friendly membership team for information and advice about all aspects of health & safety. We also have a free health & safety helpline to cover in-depth H&S issues.

What your membership includes

  • Health & safety helpline.
  • Discounted health & safety kits for hair salons and barbershops.
  • Discounted health & safety kits for beauty salons.
  • Free allergy alert testing toolkit for hair salons and barbershops.
  • Free allergy alert and sensitivity testing toolkit for beauty salons.
  • In-depth health & safety fact sheets.
  • Discounted insurance from our preferred supplier.

(This is available under salon/barbershop and solo membership)