23 July 2024

This week’s update covers the following:

  • Skills England to transform opportunities and drive growth
  • Campaigning for You
  • Reform to change the DWP from a ‘Department of Welfare to a Department for Work’
  • NHBF’s Gender Pricing Survey
  • The NHBF Top 100 Influencer Index Award

Skills England to transform opportunities and drive growth

A new body was launched to bring together key partners to meet the skills needs of the next decade across all regions.

The Prime Minister and Education Secretary have announced the launch of Skills England to bring together the fractured skills landscape and create a shared national ambition to boost the nation's skills.

Skills are crucial to economic growth, with a third of productivity improvement over the last two decades explained by improvements to skills levels.

But between 2017 and 2022 skills shortages in this country doubled to more than half a million, and now account for 36% of job vacancies.

Skills England will convene employers, education and training providers, unions, experts, combined authorities and national government to:

  • Develop a single picture of national skills needs, working with industry, other government departments (OGDs), the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), unions and the Industrial Strategy Council to build and maintain a comprehensive assessment of current and future skills needs.
  • Identify the priority areas for skills training, including the training for which the new Growth and Skills Levy will be accessible – in doing so, it will ensure that businesses are able to use their skills funding more flexibly and effectively, for which so many have been calling.
  • Play a crucial role in ensuring that the national and regional skills systems are aligned in meeting skills needs, in constituencies the length and breadth of England.

Caroline Larissey NHBF Chief Executive commented “The creation of Skills England represents a significant step towards addressing the skills gap in our sector. The hair and beauty sector has long struggled with fragmented training systems and skills shortages. We hope that this new body will work closely with sector representatives to ensure that vocational education and apprenticeships are aligned with the real needs of our sector. We look forward to engaging with Skills England to help shape a more cohesive and effective skills development strategy for the future of our sector."


Campaigning for You – Low Pay Commission

Last week, the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF) participated in a formal oral evidence session with the Low Pay Commission (LPC) at their offices in Canary Wharf, London. The LPC is responsible for making recommendations to the government about future wage rates, including the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW).

The NHBF has submitted a comprehensive written report based on evidence gathered from the State of the Industry survey, which included questions on wages and industry statistics. In our submission, we have called for restraint on wage increases and advocated for employer support for apprentices to counterbalance any rises. Additionally, we have shared our LPC submission with the government to ensure they are aware of our concerns.

NHBF Members will also meet with LPC commissioners in Portsmouth, Dover, and Wolverhampton later this month to share their views. The LPC expects to receive a revised remit on wages from the new government soon, and the NHBF will respond with further evidence likely with additional input from businesses. Any changes to wage rates will not take effect until April 2025 and we’ll keep businesses updated as we learn more.


Reform to change the DWP from a ‘Department of Welfare to a Department for Work’

Liz Kendall, Work and Pensions Secretary, has launched a blueprint to reform the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) from a 'Department of Welfare' to a 'Department for Work'. In her landmark speech, Kendall outlined the Government's plans to address economic inactivity and drive up employment in Britain, aiming for an 80% employment rate. Key reforms will include a white paper on employment, empowering local leaders to address economic inactivity, and establishing a Labour Market Advisory Board chaired by Paul Gregg.

The launch of the "Pathways into Employment" report in Barnsley marked the beginning of these changes, with Kendall highlighting the current employment challenges: Britain is the only G7 country where employment rates haven't returned to pre-pandemic levels, 2.8 million people are out of work due to ill health or disability, 1 in 8 young people are not in education, employment, or work, and spending on sickness and disability benefits is set to increase by £30 billion over the next five years.

Kendall emphasised the need to shift focus from benefits to addressing wider issues like health, skills, childcare, and transport that impact employment. She criticised the previous government's approach and called for "employment opportunity unleashed for all," aiming for better quality work and higher earnings. The Secretary of State's vision includes devolving new powers over employment support to local areas to create tailored work, health, and skills programs.

The Labour Market Advisory Board will provide insight and advice to drive change, meeting quarterly to support the department's plans. The Government's upcoming White Paper will build on manifesto commitments, introducing a national jobs and career service, new work, health, and skills plans for the economically inactive, and a youth guarantee for all young people aged 18 to 21. This initiative is part of a broader cross-government approach to boost employment, including the launch of Skills England and efforts to reduce NHS waiting lists.


NHBF’s Gender Pricing Survey

Understanding gender pricing in salons and barbershops is crucial for promoting fairness and equality in our industry. To understand the current landscape of gender pricing in salons and barbershops, the NHBF invites you to participate in our survey on gender pricing, aiming to address pricing disparities based on gender. Your input is invaluable! It is a short survey with only 5 questions and should not take longer than a couple of minutes.

Click here to take the survey.


The NHBF Top 100 Influencer Index Award

The NHBF Top 100 Influencer Index Award Ceremony is back for its fourth year, and nominations are now open! 

We're looking for individuals who make a difference in the hair and beauty industry, inspire others, and have a positive impact on social media. 

Do you know someone who fits the bill? Nominate them (you can nominate yourself too!) for the Top 100 Influencer Index and let their brilliance be recognised! 

Ready to nominate? It’s quick and easy! Click here.