17 September 2024

 This week’s update covers the following:

  • NHBF Quarterly Survey – September 2024
  • What to do if you’re new to completing Self-Assessment tax returns
  • Let's Be Heard – Sharing Scotland's COVID Experience
  • UK economy continued to flatline in July

NHBF Quarterly Survey – September 2024

With the new Government forging ahead with changes to employment rights and further wage rises likely next year, we are keen to get your latest thoughts on how business is going.

Access the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VCQ3H7W

The survey contains tracker questions about business & trading in addition to ones about wage cost rises, business rates reform and specific skills gaps in your business.

The deadline for responses is Friday 27 September at 5pm.

The survey should take around 7 minutes and your responses are strictly confidential.

Thanks very much for taking the time to give us your views so that we can continue to fight your corner.


What to do if you’re new to completing Self-Assessment tax returns 

You’ve just started your new business as a self-employed professional or sole trader. You’re making money and receiving an income but how do you pay Income Tax and National Insurance? The answer is Self-Assessment and submitting a tax return once a year.   

Jashoda Pindoria from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) explains what Self-Assessment is and what you may need to do. 

What is tax Self-Assessment?     

Self-Assessment is how the self-employed and sole traders pay tax on their income. You declare your income by completing a tax return and then pay any tax owed. The current Self-Assessment reporting period is for the 2023 to 2024 tax year (6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024). 

Read the full Q&A here


Let's Be Heard – Sharing Scotland's COVID Experience

Let's Be Heard is where you can share your experiences of the pandemic with the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.

Let's Be Heard is the main way in which people can engage with the Inquiry and gives everyone who was in Scotland during the pandemic the opportunity to share their experiences.

Let’s Be Heard COVID-19 enquiry is keen to hear more from young people, children, teachers and other education professionals, and have created surveys tailored to the experiences of these groups. You can find the links to them below. 

The surveys will remain open until Friday 29 November 2024. 

Click here to take the survey.


UK economy continued to flatline in July

Official figures show that the UK economy did not grow in July. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that GDP, the measure of everything produced in the UK, remained unchanged in the weeks after the election of the Labour government, marking the second consecutive month of stagnation

Read the full story here.