The NHBF understand that our Members are busy. With the challenging few years that the industry has faced and the current issues we are experiencing, taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in yet another survey can feel unnecessary and the least of your priorities.

Taking part matters

Taking part in surveys is essential because they're the most reliable method to get real feedback from our Members and non-members.

Surveys are a chance to have your opinions heard, just like commenting on social media, writing blog posts, or joining a debate. The data from it enables us to implement tools to ensure our industry gets back on the road of recovery and begins to grow again.

It is vital for the leading trade body for hair and beauty to have its finger on the pulse and understand the state of our industry. We want to know what our Members and non-members are experiencing, the key issues they are facing, and how the NHBF can help.

The NHBF believes that understanding business owner’s needs, wants, and current issues can help the NHBF understand your business and, in turn, help us improve our existing offerings. Having this knowledge will ensure we provide the right resources so that your business is successful and profitable.

Findings from the latest survey

The signs of positivity seen in previous surveys in April and July have slowed across some indicators but overall, the situation  is steady, with a slight rise in businesses making a small or good profit (45%) and a similar number of businesses breaking even (42%). Slightly fewer businesses are making a loss which continues to be a move in the right direction. 

The general trend towards increasing prices continues to even off. Over the previous three months, 55% of businesses raised their prices and a further 51% will do so over the next three months. Reliance on external support continues to stabilise; over half of businesses (56%) are still either partially or completely reliant on Government support but 44% say that they are not reliant on continued support. The most positive finding is that three quarters of those surveyed said they are confident in their survival. 

However, whilst staffing and recruitment intentions also remain steady they are still in negative territory with only 27% were definitely or likely to take on new staff in the next three months (similar to 28% in July) and 63% saying that it was unlikely or that they definitely would not be hiring. The lack of experienced staff continues to be a huge problem for the industry, as outlined by the NHBF Careers at the Cutting-Edge report in May 2022. 

Campaigning for hair and beauty sector businesses 

At the NHBF we campaign to make your voice heard at the highest levels on the key issues that affect you and your business, including cost of doing business, skills and training, and aesthetics regulation.

We are also raising awareness of important industry topics to support your business, such as employment law, mental health, inclusivity, and sustainability, and providing information and resources to help our Members. 

No.10 business Team, Prime Minister’s office: ‘The hair & beauty sector represents an important pillar of the UK economy, and we will continue to work with the NHBF and the industry on the challenges you face’. 

Here you can find a list of all the issues we have raised and campaigned on your behalf. 

Help us to help you

At a time of looming wage rises, falling inflation and winter energy costs, we are keen to get the very latest insights from you about how business is going.

The NHBF would like to understand how it can best support the industry in the critical upcoming months and throughout 2024.  


Your responses are confidential, and we will not share any individual responses in a way that you can be personally identified.

We thank you for participating in this survey and helping us support the industry's recovery.