The Future of AI in the Hair and Beauty Sector: Insights from the NHBF Survey

Artificial intelligence (AI) is having an impact on various industries, including the hair and beauty sector. The National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF) conducted a recent survey to understand industry sentiment regarding the potential implementation of AI systems in salons, barbershops and clinics. The results reveal a mix of enthusiasm, caution, and a strong desire for human interaction. Here's a detailed look at the findings and what they might mean for the future of your business.

Enhancing Efficiency with AI

One of the key survey questions was whether AI systems can enhance the efficiency of salon operations. The responses were as follows:

  • 36% of respondents believe that AI can significantly enhance salon efficiency.
  • 45% think AI can slightly improve operations.
  • 18% are sceptical, thinking AI would not enhance efficiency at all.

The majority opinion suggests that while there's optimism about AI's potential to streamline tasks such as booking appointments, managing schedules, and controlling inventory, there is still a significant portion of the industry that remains uncertain about the tangible benefits. 

Comfort with AI-powered styling Suggestions

AI-powered styling suggestions are one of the more innovative applications being discussed. The responses here reflect a mix of curiosity and caution:

  • 29% are very comfortable with AI-generated styling suggestions.
  • 43% are not comfortable at all, preferring human expertise.
  • 29% are wary, indicating a level of scepticism and caution.

This data shows that while there is interest in AI's capabilities to offer styling advice, a significant portion of the industry and its clientele are not ready to embrace this technology without reservations. 

Trust in AI for Colour Matching

Colour matching for hair treatments is a delicate task that many feel is best left to skilled professionals. The survey results reflect this sentiment strongly:

  • Only 10% would trust AI to assist in colour matching.
  • A staggering 80% would not trust AI for this purpose.
  • 10% are undecided, saying maybe.

When it comes to precision tasks that directly affect appearance, there is a strong preference for human oversight and expertise. 

Concerns About Job Displacement

The introduction of AI into any industry often brings up concerns about job security. The hair and beauty sector is no different:

  • 44% of respondents believe AI management systems could lead to job displacement.
  • 33% do not think it will result in job losses.
  • 22% are unsure.

These responses indicate a significant worry about AI's impact on employment, underscoring the need for careful implementation that considers the workforce's future. 

The Importance of Human Interaction

The most unequivocal response from the survey was regarding the importance of human interaction during salon visits:

  • 100% of respondents stated that human interaction is very important.

This unanimous response highlights the intrinsic value of personal touch and human connection in the hair and beauty industry. It emphasises that while AI can support certain operational aspects, the heart of salon, barbershop and clinic services lie in the human experience. 

Complex picture

The NHBF survey presents a complex picture of AI’s potential in the hair and beauty sector. While there is a recognition of the possible benefits AI could bring in terms of efficiency and innovation, there is also significant caution and a clear demand for maintaining human elements in service delivery. Moving forward, the challenge will be to balance technological advancements with the irreplaceable value of human interaction and expertise in this highly personal and creative field.

As AI continues to evolve, the hair and beauty sector will need to navigate these changes thoughtfully, ensuring that technology enhances rather than replaces the human touch that clients deeply value. 

AI use for Sales and Marketing

AI can significantly enhance sales and marketing for small businesses like hair salons by providing personalised customer experiences, optimising marketing efforts, and improving operational efficiency. AI-driven tools can analyse customer preferences, booking history, and social media activity to tailor marketing messages, recommend services, and offer targeted promotions. Chatbots powered by AI can handle inquiries, schedule appointments, and provide customer support around the clock, freeing up staff time for other tasks. Additionally, AI can help salons better manage inventory by predicting product demand, thus ensuring that popular items are always in stock. By automating routine tasks and providing valuable insights, AI enables small businesses like hair salons to compete more effectively and build stronger customer relationships.