Steps to take if you're unhappy with salon services
If you are unhappy with the treatment or service you have received from a hair/beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor (chair or room renter) you should follow these steps:
1. Understand your legal rights
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (England and Wales) says:
- If a service was not provided with reasonable care and skill or as agreed, the service provider must put things right within a reasonable time and at their own cost.
- If this isn’t practical, you should get some or all of your money back within 14 days of agreeing to a refund.
2. Complain to the salon, barbershop or independent contractor
The best option is to complain while you are still in the salon or barbershop. Otherwise, go back as soon as possible after your appointment.
Don’t go somewhere else to have things put right as the salon, barbershop or independent contractor will need to see how things were left at the end of your appointment.
Ask to speak privately to the person who deals with complaints and explain calmly why you are not happy.
A reputable salon, barbershop or independent contractor will be keen to put things right. They may:
- Redo all or part of the service.
- Offer a full or partial refund.
- Pay for you to have things put right somewhere else – but the cost of this must be reasonable.
3. Still not sorted?
If you cannot come to an agreement about how to solve the complaint, your next step will be alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
What is alternative dispute resolution (ADR)?
If you cannot agree how to solve your complaint, the law says that the salon, barbershop or independent contractor must tell you how to find a certified alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service. They must also tell you if they are willing to take part in ADR.
ADR providers must be certified by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. A list can be found on the Institute’s website.
How does ADR work?
ADR aims to resolve a dispute by proposing a fair and reasonable solution which is acceptable to both parties. The process should be less stressful and costly than legal action.
Either party can withdraw from the ADR process at any time.
The outcome is not binding on you or the salon/barbershop/independent contractor unless you both accept the proposed solution, in which case it becomes binding.
The outcome of mediation may be different from a decision made by a court.
Participation in the ADR process does not prevent the parties from the possibility of seeking redress through court proceedings.
It is always best to try ADR before taking legal action as the courts look less favourably on cases where ADR has not been attempted. You can apply for ADR up to 12 months after the salon/barbershop/independent contractor has told you in writing (letter or email) they cannot resolve the complaint or if you have had no response from the salon/barbershop/independent contractor within eight weeks of making your complaint.
The NHBF Hair & Beauty ADR Mediation gained approval for their scheme on 15 October 2018 via CTSI; as an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body for the purposes of the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015 and The Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Amendment) Regulations 2015.
The ADR body consists of 3 ADR officials: the Quality and Standards Director, who oversees the scheme, and two Quality and Standards Managers, who demonstrate a strong working knowledge of the ADR process and have vast experience of the sector. They are all contracted on a permanent basis and have been in post since summer 2024. Meet the team!
See below to find out about Hair & Beauty Mediation, a certified ADR service run by the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF).
Hair & Beauty Mediation
If the salon, barbershop or independent contractor is a Member of the NHBF, you can use our certified ADR service, Hair & Beauty Mediation.
The salon/barbershop/independent contractor should send you details about ADR and how to contact Hair & Beauty Mediation if you cannot settle the complaint between you.
You can also apply direct to the NHBF’s Hair & Beauty Mediation service if the salon, barbershop or independent contractor is an NHBF Member and does not respond to your complaint within eight weeks.
Hair & Beauty Mediation is charged at a nominal cost. You would pay £12 including VAT and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor would pay £30 including VAT. Fees are not refundable unless the salon/barbershop/independent contractor refuses to take part in ADR in which case your fee would be refunded.
Both fees must be received before the ADR process can go ahead.
How to pay: Fees can be paid via the membership team at 01234 831965.
Complete the entire application form and send it to or post it to:
Hair & Beauty Mediation
One Abbey Court
Fraser Road
Priory Business Park
MK44 3WH
- Your name, address, email, and phone number.
- The details of the complaint, including the name of the salon/barbershop/independent contractor.
- Any supporting materials such as photographs and receipts.
The ADR scheme rules are also available from the NHBF as a PDF which can be emailed or posted to consumers. Call 01234 831965.
As detailed in the Hair and Beauty ADR scheme rules (detailed below) the procedures we operate are conducted by written means only.
Remember: you can only use Hair & Beauty Mediation if your salon/barbershop/independent contractor is an NHBF Member. For more information call the NHBF on 01234 831965.
Hair & Beauty Mediation: process and timescales
1. First step
Within ten working days of receiving your complaint, someone from the Mediation team will look at your complaint. If it cannot be dealt with by Hair & Beauty Mediation, someone from the Mediation team will let you know and explain why.
2. Telling the salon/barbershop/independent contractor
If Hair & Beauty Mediation can deal with your complaint, the salon/barbershop/independent contractor will be informed that ADR has started and will be sent a copy of your complaint and related materials such as photographs. This will usually be via email.
The salon/barbershop/independent contractor will have ten working days to respond and provide any evidence they wish to be considered. You will receive a copy of this.
3. Your response
You will then have ten working days to look at the salon/barbershop/independent contractor’s evidence. This is your final opportunity to submit further information if you wish to.
4. Considering the complaint
Someone from the Mediation team will then inform you and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor that the complaint will now be considered and no further evidence can be taken into account.
The Mediation team will normally make a decision about the case within ten working days. This timescale may be extended if the complaint is complex. You will be told if this happens and when you can expect a decision.
5. Recommendations
Someone from the Mediation team will recommend a solution to the complaint and a summary of the reasons for the recommendation.
The recommendation will be sent to you and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor. The recommendation is not binding on you or the salon/barbershop/independent contractor unless it is accepted by both of you, in which case it becomes binding.
The most likely recommendation will be one or more of the following:
- A formal apology.
- The salon/barbershop/independent contractor will redo the service or treatment free of charge. Where possible*, a different stylist/barber/beauty therapist will do this.
- A refund.
*Please note that some stylists, barbers and beauty therapists are self-employed, so it is not always possible to provide an alternative.
6. Rejection
You and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor will have ten working days to accept or reject the decision. If either rejects the proposal, you or the salon/barbershop/independent contractor can take legal action. Participation in the ADR process does not prevent the parties from the possibility of seeking redress through court proceedings.
7. Acceptance
If you both accept the recommendation, the salon/barbershop/independent contractor must comply within 15 days. The salon/barbershop/independent contractor must tell someone from the Mediation team when they have completed the recommended actions.
Hair & Beauty Mediation: at a glance
ACTION | TIMESCALE (working days*) |
Don’t forget: the salon/barbershop/independent contractor must be an NHBF Member |
You can submit details of your complaint to Hair & Beauty Mediation if: The salon/barbershop/independent contractor has been unable to resolve your complaint If the salon/barbershop/independent contractor has sent you a letter about the Hair & Beauty Mediation service, you must apply for ADR within 12 months of receiving that letter. |
Day 1 |
Someone from the Meditation team will look at the complaint. If it cannot be dealt with by Hair & Beauty Mediation, you will be told why. |
By day 10 |
If Hair & Beauty Mediation can deal with the complaint, the salon/barbershop/independent contractor must submit their evidence within ten working days. |
By day 20 |
You will have ten working days to look at the salon/barbershop/independent contractor’s response and provide further information if you wish. |
By day 30 |
Within five working days, someone from the Meditation team will tell you that your complaint will now be considered and no further evidence will be accepted. |
By day 35 |
Within ten working days, you and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor will be told the Mediation team's recommendation and the reasons for it. |
By day 45 |
You and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor have ten working days to accept or reject the recommendation. |
By day 55 |
If accepted by both you and the salon/barbershop/independent contractor, the recommendation must be completed within 15 working days. |
By day 70 |
*Working days are Monday to Friday. Paper applications will take longer to process than online applications. If both parties respond more quickly than the maximum time allowed, the complaint will be resolved more quickly
Hair & Beauty ADR scheme rules
1. Introduction
Hair & Beauty Mediation is owned and operated by the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF), the UK trade association for salons and barbershops.
Hair & Beauty Mediation is authorised by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute in accordance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authority and Information) Regulations 2015.
This document sets out the rules and procedures for the Hair & Beauty Mediation Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. Download a copy of the Hair & Beauty Mediation scheme rules.
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2. Objectives
The scheme offers quick resolution for unresolved consumer disputes relating to hairdressing, barbering and beauty services or treatments provided by an NHBF Member. NHBF Members may be a salon or barbershop, or a self-employed independent contractor who rents space in a salon or barbershop. The scheme is designed to:
- Reduce the need for either or both parties to take time-consuming and potentially costly legal action;
- Reduce negative online reviews by providing a more effective channel for dealing with consumer complaints;
- Identify improvements which could be made to salon or barbershop service standards to increase consumer satisfaction and confidence
Hair & Beauty Mediation’s ADR scheme is intended to propose a solution to resolve the dispute which is acceptable to both parties. The outcome is not binding on either party, unless it is accepted by both, in which case it becomes binding on both parties. If one or both parties reject the proposed solution, either is free to take legal action through the courts.
3. Scope
The Hair & Beauty Mediation scheme is open to use by consumers in dispute with an NHBF Member (salon, barbershop or independent contractor) provided:
- The consumer has attempted to resolve the complaint using the Member’s complaints procedure.
- The complaint is not considered frivolous, vexatious or malicious in nature.
- The complaint has not already been considered by the courts or another certified ADR provider.
- The complaint does not involve matters which would be more appropriately dealt with via a public liability insurance claim or the courts, eg injury, medical side-effects, criminal activity, compensation claims.
- The value of a service or treatment is under £1,500.
- The hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor's business is in the UK and the consumer is resident in an EU member state (known as a cross-border dispute). The NHBF is a member of the European trade association, Coiffure EU (
- The complaint is submitted and handled in English.
- The complaint was referred to the Hair & Beauty Mediation within 12 months of the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor giving written notice (ie by email or letter) to the consumer that the salon, barbershop or independent contractor is unable or unwilling to resolve the complaint.
- Payment of the consumer fee* (£12 including VAT) and the salon, barbershop or independent contractor's fee (£30 including VAT) have been made within seven days of submitting the complaint.
- The complaint does not involve cosmetic surgery or non-surgical aesthetic procedures requiring a level 6 or 7 qualification (eg, Botox or similar anti-wrinkle injectables, dermal fillers).
*the consumer fee will be refunded if the salon/barbershop/independent contractor refuses to take part in ADR.
If a complaint is rejected for consideration by Hair & Beauty Mediation, both parties will be informed in writing within ten days of receiving the complaint, including the reason why the complaint has been rejected.
4. Possible outcomes
The outcome will take into account current relevant legislation, including equal opportunities, industry standard practices, as well as what is fair and reasonable.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, the most likely outcomes to be proposed will be one or more of:
- A formal apology
- The service or treatment provided again, by a different stylist/barber/beauty therapist (where possible*), free of charge
- A refund for the cost of the service/treatment provided
*please note that some stylists, barbers and beauty therapists are self-employed independent contractors, so it is not always possible to provide an alternative.
The outcome is not binding on either party, unless it is accepted by both, in which case it becomes binding on both parties.
5. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Alternative Dispute Resolution is a formal process and salons, barbershops or independent contractors are required by law* to give consumers information about an approved ADR organisation who could help them if a complaint cannot be resolved.
NHBF members have access to a complaints policy which encourages them to deal with complaints within eight weeks. The policy clearly sets out their legal obligations regarding ADR.
6. Escalating a complaint to ADR
Consumers must approach the salon, barbershop or independent contractor before using ADR. However, if the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor has not responded to the consumer within eight weeks of them raising a complaint, the consumer may then escalate the complaint to Hair & Beauty Mediation.
If the salon, barbershop or independent contractor has responded to the complaint but has been unable to resolve it to the satisfaction of both parties, they must inform the consumer in writing (letter or email) that the salon, barbershop or independent contractor’s internal complaints procedure has been exhausted.
The email or letter will provide contact details for Hair & Beauty Mediation and details of Hair & Beauty Mediation’s web address and contact details, the fees to be paid by the consumer and the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor, and an undertaking that the salon, barbershop or independent contractor will take part in the Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure.
The consumer must notify Hair & Beauty Mediation within 12 months of receiving that letter or email that they wish to apply for ADR.
7. Materials to be submitted
The consumer must submit their name, their contact details (address, email address and phone number), the details of the complaint, including the name of the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor, the disputed transaction and what the consumer is complaining about, any supporting materials (eg photographs, receipts), using the application form provided on the Hair & Beauty Mediation website and sending it by email to or by post to:
Hair & Beauty Mediation
One Abbey Court
Fraser Road
Priory Business Park
MK44 3WH
Hair & Beauty Mediation will only consider written and photographic materials submitted by the consumer or the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor. Neither of the parties will be expected to attend spoken evidence sessions, and there will be no follow-up with potential witnesses. Materials submitted by the salon, barbershop, independent contractor or the consumer will not be returned.
8. Terminating a complaint
The consumer or the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor can withdraw from ADR at any point.
9. Honesty
All parties are expected to be honest in their dealings with each other and with Hair & Beauty Mediation. If the Mediation team has any reason to suspect dishonesty, the complaint may be terminated as frivolous or vexatious or malicious in nature.
10. Confidentiality and data protection
Details of the consumer and the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor (name, address, phone number and email address) will only be shared with the parties involved in the complaint, Hair & Beauty Mediation staff, NHBF staff and bodies responsible for auditing ADR (eg the Chartered Standards Trading Institute).
ADR via Hair & Beauty Mediation is available only to NHBF Members and clients of NHBF Member salons, barbershops or independent contractors. On request, we will inform clients whether or not a salon, barbershop or independent contractor is an NHBF Member. Clients can also view Salon Search which lists NHBF Members (if they have given their consent).
See our privacy notice
Records of the ADR process will be retained for six years.
11. Fees
There is a fee of £12 including VAT for consumers, and £30 including VAT for hair or beauty salons, barbershops or independent contractors for taking part in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Fees are non-refundable, unless the salon/barbershop/independent contractor refuses to take part in ADR in which case the consumer fee will be refunded.
Consumers must make payment at the time of submitting their complaint to Hair & Beauty Mediation for ADR. If the consumer has not paid their fee within seven days, the application and any evidence submitted will be deleted.
Salons, barbershops or independent contractors will be contacted by Hair & Beauty Mediation for payment. The salon, barbershop or independent contractor must also pay their fee within seven days for the ADR application to progress.
12. Legal advice
Neither party needs to have a legal adviser, but they can seek independent advice or be assisted by a third party at any stage of the procedure if they wish.
13. Hair & Beauty Mediation - The Mediation Team
Hair & Beauty Mediation’s team is responsible for considering complaints, reviewing evidence submitted, making a decision on the outcome and communicating this to both parties. The Meditation team will directly supervise anyone else involved in the ADR process and will review and confirm their decisions.
The Meditation team is employed by or contracted to the National Hairdressers Federation to provide ADR services to NHBF Members. He/she will be impartial, have an in-depth understanding of the hairdressing, barbering and beauty industries, industry-recognised service and treatment standards, customer service standards, consumer law, quality monitoring, inspection procedures and reporting requirements.
14. Conflict of interest
The Mediation team will declare and log any potential conflicts of interest relating to a case. In these circumstances the case will be reviewed by the NHBF’s Director of Membership before any proposals on outcomes are made.
If a significant conflict of interest remains, Hair & Beauty Mediation may advise the parties to refer the dispute to another ADR provider. If this is not possible, provided both parties are aware of the nature of the conflict of interest and have no objections, Hair & Beauty Mediation will continue to deal with the dispute.
15. ADR process
a) Scope
Within ten working days of receiving notification from a consumer that they are applying for ADR and the details of the complaint, someone from the Mediation team will review the information submitted to ensure the complaint is within the scope of the ADR scheme provided by Hair & Beauty Mediation.
If the complaint is out of scope for any reason, someone from the Mediation team will inform the consumer, giving the reasons why the complaint cannot be considered.
b) Notification ADR process has started
Otherwise, Hair & Beauty Mediation will contact the salon/barbershop/independent contractor (normally electronically) to inform them that an ADR application has been received and to confirm the salon/barbershop/independent contractor is willing to take part in ADR.
The hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor will be given copies of the consumer’s complaint and any associated materials submitted. The salon, barbershop or independent contractor will have ten working days to comment on it and provide any evidence they want to submit in response. This will be sent to the consumer.
c) Further evidence
The consumer will have a further ten working days to consider the salon/barbershop/independent contractor’s response and a final opportunity to submit any other written evidence the consumer wants to be considered as part of the ADR process.
d) Case complete
Both parties will then be notified that the complaint is complete and Hair & Beauty Mediation’s team will consider the evidence submitted in order to make a decision on proposed outcomes. He/she will not take any other evidence into account.
e) Decision and reasons
He/she will make a decision and propose outcomes, normally within ten days of receiving the full complaint and additional materials. If the complaint is complex, the Mediation team may extend the time for making a decision, in which case he/she will inform both parties and provide a revised time when the decision and proposed outcomes will be made.
The Mediation team will provide a summary of the reasons for the decision and proposed outcomes, the action he/she recommends the salon/barbershop/independent contractor to take, including any financial compensation (where appropriate). This will be shared in writing by letter or email with both parties.
f) Acceptance
Both parties will be given ten working days to consider the Mediation team’s decision and to confirm if they accept the proposals for resolving the dispute. If either party does not accept the decision, they will be free to refer the matter to the courts.
g) Settlement
Otherwise, the actions proposed by the Meditation team must be implemented by the salon, barbershop or independent contractor within 15 working days of accepting the proposals. Someone from the Mediation team must be informed when the actions have been completed.
ACTION | ADR TIMESCALE (working days*) |
Consumer attempts to resolve complaint with salon/barbershop/independent contractor. | |
If the salon/barbershop/independent contractor has made no response to the consumer’s complaint, after eight weeks the complaint can be escalated to Hair & Beauty Mediation who will check the salon/barbershop/independent contractor is willing to take part in ADR. | |
If the salon/barbershop/independent contractor has responded but has been unable to resolve the dispute within eight weeks, they will issue a letter saying their internal complaints procedure has been exhausted, confirm their willingness to take part in ADR and provide details of Hair & Beauty Mediation’s ADR scheme. | |
Consumer applies to Hair & Beauty Mediation for ADR within 12 months of receiving the salon/barbershop/independent contractor’s letter. | Day 1 |
Someone from the Mediation team reviews complaint to check it’s in scope.
By day 10 |
Salon/barbershop/independent contractor submits any additional information within ten working days | By day 20 |
Consumer reviews salon/barbershop/independent contractor response and provides any further materials within ten working days | By day 30 |
Both parties informed complaint case is complete within five working days | By day 35 |
Case reviewed and decision made on proposed outcomes within ten working days | By day 45 |
Consumer and salon/barbershop/independent contractor notified of decision and reasons for it. Consumer and salon/barbershop/independent contractor accept or reject proposed outcomes within ten working days | By day 55 |
Salon/barbershop/independent contractor implements proposed actions within 15 working days | By day 70 |
*Working days mean Monday to Friday. Paper applications will take longer to process than online applications. If both parties respond more quickly than the maximum time allowed, the complaint will be resolved more quickly.
16. Recommendations
The Mediation team may also make recommendations to the hair or beauty salon, barbershop or independent contractor to improve service or treatment standards to reduce the likelihood of further complaints and to increase consumer confidence and satisfaction. These will not be shared with the consumer, and it will be for the salon, barbershop or independent contractor to decide whether or not to implement the recommendations (except when required by law).
17. Appeals
There is no appeals process.
18. Activity report
Hair & Beauty Mediation will publish an annual report of its activities, as required by the ADR scheme approval criteria on its website.
Updated January 2025