Vacancy for NHBF President

The current NHBF President, Mandy Lodge-Stewart, will complete her final term of office this year and a vacancy is now open to any Member who wishes to stand.

Could you lead the NHBF?

If you believe that you could provide the leadership to help grow and develop the NHBF, working with the Board and leadership team to set our future direction and making sure we achieve our targets, we’d love to hear from you.

How to apply

Click here to view a brief description of the role and what’s involved and click here for a more detailed explanation of the role and responsibilities of a Board director.

All you need to do is complete a short statement about yourself in writing or on video, or both (maximum length 3 minutes), telling us why you would like to stand for President and what you think you would bring, and return the application form to us by 5.00pm Wednesday, 16 April 2025.


Selection and election process

A Board working group will review all applications received and put forward those best suited to the role. This may involve interviewing the applicants.

Election statements for all suitable candidates will be sent to all eligible Members, who will then vote.

The successful candidate will be installed as President at the Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2025.


Get in touch

If you’d like to discuss the role informally, please contact Caroline Larissey at 07392 870286 or email